Argentine Surrogate Lawyers

Argentine Surrogacy Lawyers 

Argentina Surrogacy Attorneys in Buenos Aires


LIMERES is a law firm with offices in both the City of Buenos Aires as well as in the Greater Province of Buenos Aires where its main offices are located. The City of Buenos Aires is what’s considered the “Epicenter of the Argentine Surrogacy Scene” simply because the City of Buenos Aires is where all the most successful cases of surrogacy have taken place for the past decade.

    Surrogate Maternity in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Today in Argentina Surrogate births, Surrogacies or “Solidary Gestations” as they are also known, have become something increasingly frequent in Argentina, and it is in Buenos Aires where most of these births are taking place. In recent years, births by Surrogacy have increased considerably due to many factors among which the most relevant are the medical excellence of both doctors as well as hospitals performing successful births in this area, the legality of what is being done, the possibility that all types of families can resort to surrogacies, the cost compared to jurisdictions such as the USA where the success rate is almost similar while the cost in Argentina can some times be half the price, if not less.

    Argentine Surrogacy Lawyers
    Argentine Surrogacy Lawyers

    About Argentina as a leading Surrogacy country

    Argentina is among the most sophisticated countries in South America in many relevant ways and forms, and this can be easily verifiable online in two simple ways: [1] Argentina is the country that has the most people connected to the internet in Latin America in 2023, and it [2] ranks #1 in terms of  English speakers in both oral and written forms in Latam. This is due to two factors. First, the high level of education Argentines. Second, their standards of sophistication compared to the rest of the continent. Argentina is also coincidentally the country with the highest percentage of citizens who automatically qualify for a European passport, majorly from countries such as Spain and Italy.

    Territorially speaking, Argentina is the second biggest country in South America -after Brazil- and the ninth biggest country in the world. [Source:]

    Argentina is organized as a decentralized federal regime. It consists of twenty-three provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (C.A.B.A.). The latter is the country’s federal capital.

    According to the last census, Argentina has 47 million citizens and borders Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

    About Surrogacy in Argentina

    Surrogacy in Argentina is legally permitted, and assisted reproduction clinics have been practicing it for years.

    Male or gay couples can perform surrogacy in Argentina, as well as single men, single women, female couples, people of non-binary genders, and of course heterosexual couples.

    Argentine surrogacy is something legally permitted.
    All types of families can resort to surrogacy to have children.
    There has also been favorable jurisprudence throughout the country and in Buenos Aires the Disp. 122/DGRC/20 is in force.

    Leading Cases and Jurisprudence on Surrogacy in Argentina

    Argentina has made serious progress in its court system, especially within the Buenos Aires Court system, all throughout these years in terms of Surrogacy. Argentina’s jurisprudence and its leading cases make it possible for many different types of families to become parents of a surrogate baby in Argentina.

    The law that clearly benefits Surrogacy and its intended parents: DISP. 122/DGRC/20.
    This regulation was issued by the Civil Registry of the City of Buenos Aires in Argentina. It established that children born through joint and several gestations (surrogacy) will be registered at the civil registry directly as children of their intended parents. This means that the civil registry will issue the birth certificate of the newborn baby. In addition, the parents will appear in it as legal parents of the baby.

    In Argentina surrogacy is admitted for all types of families. This means that anyone can have children through surrogacy in Argentina.


    In Argentina, there are different legal options to resort to surrogacy. They depend on whether the baby is b0rn in the City of Buenos Aires or anywhere else in Argentina.

    Depending on the place in Argentina where the surrogacy process takes place, one option or another must be followed.

    Applicants resorting to surrogacy in any of the 23 Argentine provinces will need to go to a lawyer. This legal professional should be specialized in surrogacies in that given jurisdiction. In addition, a court order should be requested to carry out the entire process.

    Applicants who decide to carry out the process of surrogacy in the City of Buenos Aires may abide by Provision 122/DGRC/20). They will be able to carry out the treatment without the need to go to court, either before, during, or after the performance of the reproductive technique. They will only require an attorney to supervise the entire process. This is until the baby is born and has left the country with their surrogate parents. The baby will receive a valid Argentine DNI and passport. A court is not required when the baby is born in the City of Buenos Aires. However, a lawyer is necessary to avoid mistakes during this very extremely delicate process.


    The most important requirements to carry out a surrogacy process in Buenos Aires, Argentina, are the following:

    a) Signing an informed consent. The intended parents must sign an informed consent form prepared by an Argentine lawyer. There, they will state their desire to procreate with the physical assistance of a surrogate woman. The pregnant surrogate female must also sign a consent. She will state that she does not want to mother the child once it is born. The surrogate woman must have her own counsel. This should not be paid by the intended parents so that there is no conflict of interest.
    b) The birth of the baby must take place in the City of Buenos Aires. Thus, its Civil Registry will have legal competence.
    c) Any type of family is admitted to carrying out the surrogacy process. They can contribute with their own gametes or resort to egg and sperm donors as well.

    For more information, visit or call, text, or WhatsApp for a consultation at +(54911) 4162-0021.





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