Surrogacy Services in Argentina

Surrogacy Services in Argentina


Limeres ranks as one of the best law firms that provides surrogacy services in Argentina. Our clients are from all over the world and they have varied backgrounds. From couples facing infertility or other health-related problems, people from the LGBT community, single individuals, HIV-positive men… We assist clients regardless of their marital status, sexuality, or nationality Their personal circumstances may vary, but they all share the same desire: having a child of their own and become a family. And Limeres is the place where their dream comes true.

Limeres is the only law firm in Argentina that provides a comprehensive approach towards surrogacy services. The key of our success relies in the experience and expertise of a multidisciplinary team that includes duly-certified attorneys, who are bilingual and have a deep knowledge on several fields, such as foreign surrogacy, immigration, international law, etc. In addition, we offer advice from psychologists and pediatricians, who can assist in a variety of aspects involving the arrival of a baby.

The current legal framework in Argentina does not restrict surrogacy services; nevertheless, at Limeres, we make sure that the whole process complies with all the legal requirements.

Surrogacy Services in Argentina
Surrogacy Services in Argentina

Surrogacy Services in Argentina

Limeres has an outstanding and thorough screening system for the selection of potential surrogate mothers, which is based in international standards. The screening includes medical checkup -including tests for infectious diseases, physical examination (height and weight), fertility history, mental health-, socio-economic assessment, academic and criminal background, and an emotionally-supporting environment. This overall evaluation guarantees the optimal conditions for a full-term pregnancy and the delivery of a healthy baby.

Our law firm abides by the highest standards of quality assurance, confidentiality, and safety for all the involved parties of our surrogacy services. Our staff of legal and medical professionals are the backbone of this amazing journey of becoming parents. They are fully trained and ready to answer any question, issue, or concern. Their expertise allows them to coordinate every single detail of the process in a smooth and flawless manner.

Vey often, we see that people eagerly look at surrogacy without taken into account the scope, the risks, and the potential complications that may arise during the process. Surrogacy is a very delicate and sensitive matter that requires the utmost analysis. For this reason, at Limeres, we offer a set of consultations to address all these issues. Based on our experience, we know that this can be very stressful from an emotional, physical, and financial point of view. Our team of experts is here to assist, guide, inform, and support you along this journey.

Surrogacy Services

Our wide array of surrogacy services includes price estimates, risk assessment, expected timelines, logistics, budget planning, and surrogacy insurance advice. Also, notarization and apostille of documentation, international payment methods, contract review, and compliance with local and international legal systems. In addition, medical assistance from pediatricians specialized in pre-term births, vaccination requirements, travel and accommodation planning, newborn citizenship and passports support, etc.

Lately, Argentina has become one of the most popular surrogacy destinations due to the legal framework in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The main reason is that the government lists only both intended parents (or a single parent) on the birth certificate of any newborn. Consequently, they are awarded full parental rights from birth. In fact, the surrogate mother’s name is not included in any of the baby’s records.

Legal Framework in Buenos Aires, Argentina

In fact, in 2017, this was based on a judicial ruling, which acknowledged the rights of parents via surrogacy. Therefore, the transfer of parentage does not require a court order in this jurisdiction. In addition, babies born through surrogacy are also entitled to an Argentine passport. Nevertheless, some countries may not allow the entry of a newborn on a tourist visa. At Limeres, we can assist in obtaining the travel documents required by the government where the family will reside. In addition, we can process all the proper certification and the legal translation, if necessary.

As regards compensation for the surrogate mother, it involves the costs related to the pregnancy process. For example, medical exams, potential damages, psychological assistance, physical therapy, life and health insurance, postpartum care, travel expenses, clothing, and a variety of related costs. It is worth noting that surrogate with previous successful experiences of carrying full-term pregnancies and deliveries may charge higher fees.

From the moment you contact Limeres, you will receive all the information you need to make an informed decision. This implies a thorough analysis of your personal situation. Also, how we can adapt to your expectations in a realistic manner. After submitting all the required paperwork (a copy of a valid passport or any other means of identification, a signed agreement, initial payment, criminal and financial background check, medical tests) that covers the administrative aspect of this process, we will appoint a personal coordinator. This person will guide you and keep you informed about all the upcoming events throughout the procedure.

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