Inheriting Stock or Shares from an Argentine Company: Steps and Considerations

When it comes to inheriting stock

Inheriting Stock or Shares from an Argentine Private or Publicly Traded Company

When it comes to inheriting stock or shares from an Argentine private or publicly traded company, there are certain considerations and processes that need to be followed. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in inheriting stock or shares in Argentina, along with some important information to keep in mind.

Understanding the Inheritance Process

Before delving into the specifics of inheriting stock or shares, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the inheritance process in Argentina. In general, the process involves the following steps:

  1. Obtaining a death certificate: The first step is to obtain a death certificate of the deceased individual. This document is usually issued by the Civil Registry.
  2. Identifying the heirs: Once the death certificate is obtained, the next step is to identify the legal heirs of the deceased. This can be done through a will, if one exists, or through the legal rules of inheritance.
  3. Inventory of assets: After identifying the heirs, an inventory of the deceased’s assets needs to be prepared. This includes any stock or shares held in private or publicly traded companies.
  4. Valuation of assets: The next step is to determine the value of the inherited assets, including the stock or shares. This is crucial for tax purposes and to distribute the assets among the heirs.
  5. Transfer of ownership: Once the valuation is complete, the ownership of the inherited stock or shares needs to be transferred to the rightful heirs. This involves the necessary paperwork and legal procedures.

Inheriting Stock or Shares from an Argentine Company

When it comes to inheriting stock or shares from an Argentine private or publicly traded company, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind. Here are some key points to be aware of:

Private Companies

If the deceased held stock or shares in a private company, the process of inheriting them may involve the following steps:

  1. Shareholder agreement: Private companies often have shareholder agreements in place. These agreements may contain provisions regarding the transfer of shares upon the death of a shareholder. It is important to review the shareholder agreement to understand the rights and obligations of the heirs.
  2. Share transfer: The transfer of shares in a private company typically requires the execution of a share transfer agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the transfer and is signed by both the transferor and the transferee.
  3. Registration: After the share transfer agreement is signed, it needs to be registered with the relevant authorities. This ensures that the transfer of ownership is legally recognized.

Publicly Traded Companies

If the deceased held stock or shares in a publicly traded company, the process of inheriting them may involve the following steps:

  1. Notification: The heirs need to notify the company about the death of the shareholder. This is usually done by providing a copy of the death certificate and other relevant documents.
  2. Transfer process: The transfer of shares in a publicly traded company is typically facilitated through a stockbroker. The heirs need to work with a stockbroker to initiate the transfer process.
  3. Documentation: The stockbroker will require certain documents, such as a copy of the death certificate, proof of identity of the heirs, and any other relevant paperwork. It is important to gather all the necessary documents to ensure a smooth transfer process.

Tax Implications

When inheriting stock or shares in Argentina, it is important to consider the tax implications. In general, there may be tax obligations associated with the inheritance, such as inheritance tax or capital gains tax. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or lawyer to understand the specific tax requirements and obligations.


Inheriting stock or shares from an Argentine private or publicly traded company involves a series of steps and considerations. Understanding the inheritance process, reviewing any shareholder agreements, and following the necessary legal procedures are crucial for a smooth transfer of ownership. Additionally, being aware of the tax implications and consulting with professionals can help ensure compliance with the applicable tax laws. By navigating the process with care and attention to detail, heirs can successfully inherit stock or shares in Argentina.


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