Company Formation in Argentina

Company Formation in Argentina

Company formation in Argentina is nowadays experiencing a boom thanks to the commercial ties with other countries, which include trading, financial operations, and an increase of agricultural exports and agricultural commodities.

    In Argentina, there are several types of companies. Mainly, corporation, single-shareholder corporation, simplified corporation, joint-stock company, partnership, limited liability company, etc. There is no minimum capital requirement or a minimum number of shareholders for limited companies.


    In general, it takes about five business days to obtain the incorporation. While the corporate tax rate is between 25% and 35%, the dividend tax rate is 7%, and the VAT rate is 21%. In addition, there are approximately twenty double-taxation treaties.


    The following are compulsory requirements: a registered address, a local director, an annual meeting, an electronic signature, and an accounting or annual return. Moreover, some restrictions apply to foreign-ownership. On the other hand, tax incentives are applicable for real estate investors.

    ​International investors pay close attention to the benefits Argentina has to offer. For instance, access to a young and talented labor force, the high-tech sector, tourism, engineering, and manufacturing.

    With more than two decades of proven experience, our team at Limeres provides a service of excellence for company incorporation, such as limited liability companies, stock corporations, or branches.


    Limited Liability Company in Argentina


    An LLC is called sociedad limitada in Spanish. The basic requirements are a minimum share capital of $10,000 Argentinian Dollars (A$), and, at least, two directors. The majority needs to be from Argentina. The annual tax return is applicable and cannot trade on the stock exchange.


    Stock Corporation in Argentina

    This sociedad anonima only needs a minimum share capital of $ 7,500, two stockholders, and Argentinian directors. It has limited liability, can be completely owned by foreigners, and it is subject to a corporate tax payable on worldwide income. At Limeres, our team of attorneys can act as representatives of your company, thus, avoiding that you have to travel to Argentina for the registration.

    Opening a branch in Argentina

    A company branch needs a legal representative with power of attorney to carry out the necessary activities and handle a local bank account. However, there is no need for a minimum share capital. As a branch, the entity can generate invoices for clients and can sign local sales contracts.

    Company Formation in Argentina
    Company Formation in Argentina

    A corporate name has to be verified at the Office of Corporations. In addition, the articles of association include the names of the owners or shareholders, the signature of the founding partners, and the subscribed minimum share capital provided by the bank. The Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos (AFIP), the authority in Argentina that issues the tax identification number and the fiscal code of the company for tax purposes in the country.

    At Limeres, we also provide the following professional services: business planning, accounting, bookkeeping, drafting commercial contracts, tax advice, wealth management,


    Our multilingual staff at Limeres is highly capable of assisting in setting up a company to operate across the borders.

    Argentina is a land of natural resources, such as gold, silver, copper, and lithium, shale oil, and shale gas, etc.


    Foreign Investments in Argentina

    Argentina promotes foreigners to invest since there are no restrictions of additional policies. The same legal treatment and liabilities apply to local and foreign companies. The main purpose of the Agencia Argentina de Inversiones y Comercio Internacional (Argentine Agency of Investments and International Commerce) is to oversee foreign investments in the country. Argentina is also one of the founding members of MERCOSUR (Mercado Comun del Sur: Southern Common Market).

    Limeres has the largest network of attorneys in the following provinces:

    Buenos Aires, La Plata, Catamarca, San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Chaco, Resistencia, Chubut, Rawson, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Paraná, Formosa, Jujuy,

    San Salvador de Jujuy, La Pampa, Santa Rosa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Posadas, Neuquén, Río Negro, Viedma, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Río Gallegos, Santa Fe,

    Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Ushuaia, Tucumán, Mar del Plata, and San Miguel de Tucumán.

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