LIMERES has been representing heirs with inheritance interests involving Brazil, Argentina and the United States of America.
After a decade of uninterruptedly working with Carla Padilha as our lead attorney licensed in Brazil, LIMERES decided to open an exclusive brazilian desk to cover the requests being received from U.S. heirs inheriting in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio de Janiero. Ms. Padilha is licensed with a federal license that allows her to practice nationwide all across the country in all of Brazil’s jurisdiction. Under the strict supervision of Ms. Padilha’s brazilian license LIMERES can assist our Portuguese speaking community as well as those English speakers with interests in Brazil.

For more information email LIMERES at o send a WhatsApp to the following US number to request a consultation with Carla Padilha:
Our Lawyers at LIMERES are licensed in Argentina, Brazil and other countries in The Americas.